Wednesday, June 3, 2009


So I was telling Lori Phillips (Stan Phillip's wife --aka Lori Devey in Highschool) that I couldn't keep up with my neighbors when we ran in the morning. Lori took me to the track tonight to do sprints. She claims that if you sprint and then recover you will get fast results. Meaning you should be able to increase your running times. It was hard. Kicked my butt really. But, right now anything is. I'm so surprised that running seems so hard for me. I really have enjoyed exercise so why does it seems so hard right now. Guess thats what happens when you don't do it like you should. Days turn into weeks and then months and your still going to start your consistant exercise training tomorrow. For me today is tomorrow and I'm really hating it. I'll let you know when I start enjoying it. Still no runners high.

1 comment:

Lori said...

What's on the exercise agenda for today? My goal is to do at least something each day--to get in the habit (kind of like the scriptures- at least one verse) ...not saying I'm accomplishing my goals yet--but getting there. What do you girls do with your kids while you run/ride etc?