Sunday, June 7, 2009

Runner's High

Okay, I know I haven't been too consistant with excercise until these past couple of weeks. I think three weeks to be exact. Anyway, I'm pleased to report that I really missed my morning run today. Usually I don't run on Sunday. Well, I felt groggy and lazy. That's a good sign. I'm looking forward to running tomorrow. Maybe that runners high is finally kicking in. I'll let you know.

How are the rest of you doing? Lori, Jaimie, Christy? Are you coming along? Lori you mentioned your doing something every day. Is it getting more enjoyable? Or is it just another job? Let me know of your progress. It's kind of motivational for me. Nancy I love the way you have shared your journey. You have totally inspired me to get moving.

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