Thursday, April 23, 2009

Watch out for bears and also cars!

Lori--I just read a news report that a pregnant lady in Colorado Springs got hit by a car as she was running away from a bear. Double Whammy!!! The mom and baby are doing fine, the bear was euthanized (sp?) and the driver of the car is missing in action. Crazy. Watch out for bears for crying out loud. My worst nightmare--bears!!! Scott wanted to put together a team to run the ragnar relay race that is in Colorado a couple of years ago and I was too scared I would run into a bear out on a lonely road by myself. I'll let him know my "crazy" fear was not so crazy after all.
Also while running watch out for crazy teenagers in trucks that throw big gulps at ya. Crazy teenagers. Bad as the bears!


Laura said...

Nancy, did a teenager throw a big gulp at you? I once got hit by a flying egg when I was out jogging. Crazy teenagers - glad none of us ever did anything even similar. Well I may have thrown wet toilet paper at passing cars but I never would have thrown an egg or a drink at a person. Too mean.

Lori said...

Nanci--you are so right about the bears...on my mile plus walk yesterday with the 2 kids and dog...I packed along a ski pole...yes to ward off wild animals. Evan laughed he said what are you going to do with that...Poke them! Somebody said their friend had seen a mountain lion the day before while she was walking her dog (at 2 PM)Yikes! It was always one of my biggest fears too! Then they (the bears) came to play on my front porch...and I've tried to realize this is where they live too...