Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Sorry, I still haven't posted the running training log--after Jack wakes up he is going non stop and he doesn't allow me to sit down for very long. I guess that in itself could be part of my training. I don't know how the child keeps moving all day long. He doesn't take naps anymore and he stays awake til 10pm. Today I took him to the park, went for a long walk, played in the back yard and washed the car hoping that would wear him out and he actually went to bed at 9pm tonight--yeah! I was able to get in 50 minutes on the bike after he went to sleep. I have been working out each day doing my P90X and then either spinning or walking/running (this week only--thank you sunshine). One thing I'm learning all over again is to be patient. I want my body to change in a week and it is going to take some time. I got a little over excited Monday and went 5 miles running the first 20 min and then had to walk the rest--slowly. A little bit too much out of the starting gate. Pushing Jack in the jogger up Mary Pulley's hill just about took me out. I have to remember---make a plan and stick to it. Just because I get pumped up and feel good doesn't mean I can run 13 miles today.
Scott signed us up to run a 5k on May 9 (Susan G Komen Breast Cancer) and I'm signed up to ride the Little Red Riding Hood Women only bike ride in Logan on June 6th. Trying for the 100 miles--we'll see. I'm really excited because I have these dates to work towards. If anyone wants to join us on May 9th come one come all--I'll be pushing Jack in the jogger so I won't be moving very fast (even without him I'd be running slow!!)
Laura and Jaime how about we choose one day a week to join forces for a run (that means a jog/walk) but running sounds cooler plus it motivates me to become such ( a runner!!) My schedule is pretty open so it can be mornings or afternoons. Let me know. My next mini goal is to put up a running training log this week. Here's the first step in the training: Using a run/walk combination go for 30 min. You do this until you don't have to walk anymore and you can run for 30 minutes straight. The training log I have breaks it down in more detail. You do this for 30 days or until you can run for the 30 minutes. After the 30 days is when you start focusing on miles. Just to get you started. Can't wait for more sunshine and nice runners calves!!!!

1 comment:

Laura said...

Way to go Nancy. I'll think about that 5K coming. I need to see what David's schedule is.