Saturday, April 11, 2009

Picking up Grapes

It's Saturday night and I'm picking up grapes. Jack doesn't like to eat grapes but he gets great pleasure throwing them wherever. Jack decided to fly off the counter on Thursday and he broke his wrist. Friday we spent the morning at the doctors and hospital radiology and now he's sporting a tiny little blue cast that he gets to wear for a month.
I missed my workouts on Thursday and Friday and I'm hoping that I won't miss Saturdays workout. It's 7pm and we are going to color eggs and then I'm working out. I hate missing workouts now because mentally it drags me down.
Hopefully everyone's having a great Easter weekend and I'm going to try hard not to consume too much sugar with the dang Easter candy.


Laura said...

Nancy, I'm so sorry about the broken wrist. Wow, hopefully it's not too bad. I know what you mean about missing the workout. Mentally you feel so sluggish.

Lori said...

We want to see a pic of Jack sporting his cool blue cast!