Friday, May 29, 2009

Kudos Laura

Kudos Laura---I'm still hating the alarm when it goes off at 7am because it disturbs my one more hour of sleep. I thought the older a person gets the less sleep they need or is it the less sleep they are able to get?? I sleep for 8-9 hours and I'm still tired. Grief!!! Any ideas anyone?? Maybe I'm getting too much sleep.
You're my inspiration Laura. I haven't been running since the first week of May. The cycling took over but I need to to strengthen my legs more so I'll kick my own fanny and get on out there.
That runners high is still my carrot too. It's out there I've had it before and and I want it again so just keep on lacing up your shoes. I don't know if this has anything to do with anything but when I "used" to exercise "early" in the morning I would need to eat something (usually a banana sometimes just a half) at least 15 min before so I wouldn't feel the need to throw up after the workout. Also I've been learning about my heart rate and the different zones to work in to accomplish different goals and it's fabulous information. I feel great working out, I'm not always gasping for air and I'm accomplishing my goals--getting stronger, faster and longer endurance. A good rule of thumb when your running (I've read many times from experts--not my words) is that your every day running pace, not your speed or hill training, should allow you to carry on a conversation while running. If you can't talk slow down the pace.
Just a little cycling news---I rode Emigration Canyon yesterday and not only did I survive I was able to walk when I got off the bike. A huge relief! I had worried and worked myself up with much anxiety beforehand but I rode it and felt great during and after the ride. I didn't keep up with the boys but I'll get there. Scott keeps telling me it's not a race or competition and I say bluurrrpp. Easy for him to say he's always waiting at the top for me with the "cis" (chicks in spandex) that are 10 years younger than me-- dadgummitt.
An incredible feeling to ride up a mountain albeit only a 9 mile mountain but still a mountain in my book.
Have a great weekend everyone. Keep on moving to your own beat.

1 comment:

Laura said...

Wow, that's great. What an accomplishment Nancy. I would slow down -- but, I'm trying to keep up with the gals I'm running with. I have sent them on their way a few times. Maybe I'll have to do that more. What do you think about sprinting and then recovering for faster times? I've heard that helps too.