Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Pictures of LOTOJA

Of course Scott and I took our camera but it stayed in the bag the entire time. Lucky for us others actually pulled theirs out and took some snapshots.
Stacey and Chris were two of my roommates the night before plus as you can see fellow cyclists with our matching tattoos!

This was our Leg 3 team.

This is me heading up the last part of "queen of the mountain." It doesn't look like I'm going up hill but the camera lies--Scott H. was holding the camera at an odd angle.
I was breathing heavy, trying to talk to the group in the truck and of course trying to smile for the picture.

This is at the top of "queen of the mtn." At the crest of the hill I sprinted to finish and caught this guy before we crossed the time line and then felt guilty so I coasted in with him instead.

Scott taking off on Leg 4.

This is the 13 of the total 25 that crossed the finish line together.

This is part of the team that hooked up after to have dinner together.

1 comment:

Laura said...

What a rush for you! That's awesome.