Tuesday, September 22, 2009

LOTOJA 2009 The Novel

I have to say that I never thought we would be able to repeat the great time we had last year at LOTOJA because it was so much fun and everything worked out so well, but we pulled it off---this year was fantastic too and had some additional bonuses.
1. The weather was warmer by a few degrees so absolutely perfect--low 70's when I was riding around 10am. We got new team jackets that we didn't need to wear riding but were able to wear them in the morning and evening so we added cool factor points to our appearance.
2. We added two more teams of 5 each so we had 25 cyclists riding around with the CR England jerseys on. At the feed zones/relay exchange points there was always a group of at least 10+ of us standing around in matching jerseys or jackets so we made a statement. What that statement was I'm not sure but it could be we're having a lot of fun riding and hey we even have matching jerseys. Cool! When we crossed the finish line there were 12 of us together and it just looked cool to have that many of us in a line.
3. I rode leg 3 which was 45 miles from Montpelier, ID to Afton, WY with 3 other teammates. This consisted of 2 climbs totaling 18 miles climbing 2300 ft, 5 miles which where 7%. I did the "queen of the mtn" portion, 3 miles of 7% in 23 minutes. I topped out at 46 mph on the descents. I was able to hang with one of my teammates, Stacey, 27 yrs old and a very strong climber up the first climb and we just cruised. We were both surprised when we reached the summit so quickly. After the descent, we caught onto a train of guys riding 20mph heading to the next climb and I was pumped that we could hang with them. They were fighting the wind for us and it saved us a lot of work but we were still riding up an incline so we were working to hang with them at that speed. Stacey took a turn pulling (riding at the front) but I stayed at the back thrilled to be there. They pulled us into the neutral feed zone right before the start of the big climb--the queen/king of the mountain climb.

Stacey finished the queen of the mtn portion in 21 minutes and I was pumped to find out I was only 2 minutes behind. She is such a strong climber. She thought I would catch her on the down hill because I like to let go and fly and she is more cautious but she let go and flew too so I never did catch up to her. The last 15 miles into Afton I was riding by my lonesome but with a little help from a tailwind I was riding 30 mph at one point. Oh the beauty of a tailwind. I kept checking my bike computer because I couldn't believe I was riding so fast by myself. I worked harder than I have ever done on any ride and I felt it, but I was able to finish this leg in 2 hours and 43 minutes(that included a 5 min stop to refill water bottles) I had desperately wanted to ride this leg in 3 hours and after my training rides I expected to come in about 3:10. Never did I think that I would be under 3. I know that riding with the group of guys really helped out my time but for me to even be able to hang on with them is just incredible. By the time we had reached the neutral feed zone to refill the water bottles my hamstrings were buzzing from working so hard. I sort of squatted down to fill my water bottle and for a moment I thought I would not be able to stand back up. Oh the rush to push yourself so hard and succeed.
I ended coming in to Afton 5 minutes behind Stacey and our other teammate Amy was 5 minutes behind me. What an incredible ride. We were laughing and cheering and then the next riders were gone and we had to scramble (actually a funny stiff looking quick walk) to the cars to get to the next exchange point.

A group of us started the last leg together, Alpine to Jackson Hole (47 miles) and we had others join us along the way to finish with 12 of us. We finished in 12 hours and 22 minutes.
Scott rode 127 miles again this year and I rode 92 miles. I was so excited about riding leg 3 that I didn't even care about riding the last leg but I'm glad I did. Snake River Canyon into Jackson is absolutely beautiful, it's fun riding with the bigger group and we try to relax and enjoy the ride until someone gets excited and kicks up the speed. I was still feeling strong and full of energy for the last leg. I had refueled in the car with my PB&J and a can of flat coke. Not a big fan of coke but our support crew had it on good authority that drinking a can of flat coke will give you the needed caffeine and sugar boost. I sucked the whole thing down (that in itself is a miracle) and felt good to go.

Actually NOT one of the bonuses....The last 3 1/2 miles before the finish line my previous ride started to catch up with me. My hamstrings were ok this time but my quads were twitching and I was desperately looking for the finish line. We crossed the finish line, I got off my bike and my quads rebelled instantly. Both quads seized up and cramped like I've never experienced before. During moments of that intense of pain it is hard to have a conversation and people kept trying to talk to me, I just wanted to cry and yell at the same time. It took almost an hour for the pain to stop and then I was fine. Good to go. Let's go for a ride. The most bizzare thing ever. Later after talking with a fellow teammate who is a nurse I was told next time to sit down wherever and massage the muscles til the cramping stops. Now I know. Plus I should have eaten a banana at lunch for the potassium. (I tried but the banana was too ripe and mushy--gag!)

4. A group of us met up for dinner that night at the Silver Dollar Grill and had a party eating and rehashing the day. We were a little loud with the stories and laughter but oh what fun we had. We did a repeat the next morning at breakfast--laughing, telling stories and talking about what to do next year. We'll meet again for a barbecue in a week or so and rehash it all over again because we're nuts and we just can't get enough of it.

5. Absolutely one of the best weekends ever!!!! A fabulous way to end my cycling season and kick start my 40's. I trained hard, I rode hard and I feel great being 40. I'm looking forward to cycling next year as an even stronger, faster40 yr old!!!

6. The icing on the cake. Scott thinks I look good, "pretty darn good" (as George of the Jungle says), in my cycling shorts even if I am 40.

I'll get out for several more rides I hope before the cold has me hanging up my bike but officially I'm done riding and the 5K training starts. I'm supposed to run the AF Halloween 5K with my sisters. I better get moving.

PS..... NOT a bonus either but definitely a memorable moment of LOTOJA 2009: Coming up to a group of 50+ male cyclists straddling their bikes in a line on the side of the road watering the weeds. A very unique irrigation system. Stacey, Amy and I wanted to yell several things but before we could they were done, on their bikes almost running us over and down the road. Very serious competitors.

1 comment:

Laura said...

Nancy, you always amaze me. You go girl! That is awesome.